Let's talk about sex, baby...

Let's talk about sex, baby...

Sex is a common trigger of UTIs, so more sex, more risk of UTIs. Also, UTI's are not STDs (sexually transmitted) so you can't pass this back and forth from your partner like chlamydia.  

UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra. It's not our our fault. It's not the bacteria's fault.  Somehow our bodies are equipped with a clitoris, a urethra and an anus all in roughly a 3.5 inch span.  Men have a penis hanging off their bodies with balls separating their anus.  Something went wrong in manufacturing if you ask me.  But let's move on.

During sex, with all the motion going on, bacteria enters the opening of your urethra (lbetween your clit and vag) \ and anus. This bacteria can come from all the places  besides your ass (think gym, bathroom, boyfriend's roommate Lenny, spores, spores?) so just remember your kitty is precious, girl.

Yes, as sexual goddesses, we have all taken the preventative measures to decrease our risks of UTIs from sex.  Pee after sex, stay hydrated, and shower. And yes, those are great suggestions — peeing after sex and cleaning up after is our first line of defense to flush bacteria out. However, we know UTIs are still a bitch. Here's a few more ideas we think could help.

Lubes + Lotions

We want a health vaginal microbiome.  Synthetic lubes, condoms & toys being shoved up our hoohas throws all our sweetness off balance which leads to a high risk of infection.  Spermicide-coated condoms could irritate vaginal tissue and make it easier for bacteria to thrive, and unlubricated condoms increase friction during intercourse, which can lead to inflammation of the urethra.  Avoid lubes that contain glycerin, scents, or any other forms of added sugar. Glycerin (a sugar) encourages the growth of bacteria which can lead to UTIs.

We love water and aloe-based lubes for condom use and oil-based lubes for partners that no longer need condoms.  Check out our blog post on edible lubes.

Sex Toys

If you are a lover of sex toys, just remember to practice good hygiene. Wash them in mild soap and warm water before and after playtime and allow the to fully dry before it's next big event.  There has been some research on the matter - sex toys and UTIs (3). 

Switching Hitting

Whether it be a finger, a toy, or a penis – anal play is fun but it's the danger zone as well.  Whatever went in there last has no business going into anything else. PERIOD.  THE END.  Your partner may go wash themselves, parts, bits, toys (do it together) and continue the sesh but in no way does bacteria laden anything enter your goddess body if you can help it.

And then pee again.

If you suspect you are having UTI symptoms, we recommend visiting a medical professional to seek proper treatment.


Other forms of female birth control could also increase the risk of UTIs.

  • IUDs (intrauterine device)
    • IUDs are a hormonal form of birth control inserted in the uterus. Due to the nature of where the IUD is inserted, it is possible to get a bacteria infection in your uterus when the IUD is inserted and could increase the risk of a UTI.
  • Diaphragms and sponges
    • Birth control like diaphragms and sponges can also increase your risk for UTI since they can put pressure on the urethra, making it challenging to completely empty the bladder (1). When the bladder isn’t fully emptied, bacteria sits in the bladder and has more time to grow and cause an infection.


    1. Marks, J. (2020, April 23). Can birth control cause a UTI? . Healthline. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/can-birth-control-cause-uti#birth-control-pills
    2. Stapleton, A. E. (2016). The vaginal microbiota and urinary tract infection. Microbiology Spectrum, 4(6). https://doi.org/10.1128/microbiolspec.uti-0025-2016
    3. ​​A cross-sectional survey of sex toy use, characteristics of sex toy use hygiene behaviours, and Vulvovaginal Health Outcomes in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/full/10.3138/cjhs.2017-0016?role=tab

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